Friday, January 14, 2011



Well we finally reached our last spot, and we cant wait to explore Vancouver. The Population here is 578000 people. Most of the people in Vancouver dont speak english as there first language.  They are located in the pacific maritime ecozone. The climate there is usually foggy rainy and cold.

There are many tourist attractions in Vancouver such as going to the space center, going to the art gallery, and visiting Maple wood farm. My family and I visted the space center and got the experience to feel what it would be like in space. After that, Me and my family eat dinner, and got packed up to go home because we were done our road trip.


As we arrived in Edmonton we were all exctied because we had heard so much good stuff about the the city. It is the Capital of Alberta. The population of Edmonton is 782 439 people. The population density is 1067.2/km2.It can get pretty cold in Edmonton. Edmonton has some pretty nice places to see, such as river valley. Its 20 times bigger than New Yorks central park.

Edmonton is located in the Praires ecozone.  In Edmonton you can go many places if you are a tourist. You can go places such as The Railway Mueseum, River Valley, To go Watch the Edmonton Oilers play, And much more. Me and my Family Went to the Railway mueseum and it was pretty interesting there. Me and my family went to our hotel and went to bed, because when we were waking up where going to our last stop, Vancouver.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


After our great stay in Montreal, We Arrived in the beautiful city of Sudbury. Sudbury is the only city in Ontario that we visited, but i didnt really mind that. The population is 157 628 people. The populations density is 43.9 km/2. Sudbury is in the Boreal Shield. the weather there is just like our weather, but they get alot more snow.

Some big tourist spots in Sudbury are the huge nickel, the museums and much more. But Sudbury is a pretty boring city in my opinion. With the short stay in Sudbury, me and my family are ready to go to the lovely city of Edmonton.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I had arrived in Montreal and it is beautiful there. The population there is 1680000 people. The population density is 4439/km2. Montreal has alot of fun stuff for tourists. When me and my family were in Montreal we went to the Just For Laughs Comedy Festival. It was alot of fun there. We also went to see the Montreal Canadians play hockey. They versed The Calgary Flames but they lost. It was a fun experience to go and watch. The industries in Montreal include aerospace, electronic goods and tobacco. The latitude and longitude of Montreal is 73 degrees west and 45 degrees north.

Montreal is located in the Mixedwood Plains. There's landforms there such as lakes and mountains. The closest national park in Montreal is Parc du mont royal.  Its the biggest open space in Montreal. Its a big mountain that has many Sculptures of people. The climate There is just like ours, Hot summers and cold winters. Montreal was a great place to stay but now its time to go see Sudbury.

Saturday, January 8, 2011



The first stop on our road trip was in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Halifax is the Capital city of Nova Scotia. The population of Halifax is 370000 people. The population density is 1502/km2. Halifax is in the Atlantic Maritime ecozone. The climate in this city is a warm summer and cold winter. It tends to get foggy here, so you dont usually see the sun.

 Me and my family visited the closest national park, the Citadel National Park. There, we got to see the the nicest views of halifax. Halifax is just a very nice place over all. Its longitude and latitude is
 44° 39' 0" N / 63° 36' 0" W . Some Popular tourism spots in Halifax are The Art Gallery and The Discovery Center. Me and my Family Went to The Art Gallery and saw many interesting  paintings.  I loved my stay in Halifax but now i'm on my way to Montreal.

Begining of my summer

Finally school is over, and i can enjoy my summer vacation. My plans for this summer is to go an a road trip across Canadaa with my family. On our roadtrip we will be visiting the citys : Halifax, Montreal, Sudbury, Edmonton and to end my trip off, We are going to Vancouver. During my summer, Im going to blogging to you about all the exciting stuff and other information on the citys I visist.